Sleep & Recovery

At Stamina Lab, we believe that sleep is the foundation of health and optimal performance.


Work directly with one of our expert coaches to unlock your potential.


Our articles spring from the experimenter’s mindset we encourage for all flow seekers.


Upgrade performance, achieve mental clarity, and improve your wellbeing.


Ultimate Sleep Optimization Program

Original price was: $3,200.00.Current price is: $1,199.00.


Personalized Sleep Assessment: Begin with a comprehensive assessment to pinpoint your sleep challenges, habits, and patterns. This step ensures a tailored approach throughout your journey. – scientifically-validated sleep assessment includes a Insomnia Severity Index

30-minute Initial Consultation: Dive deep into your sleep challenges and goals with a certified coach to customize your journey.

90 days of Expert Coaching: Receive two coaching sessions per month with our certified sleep coaches, backed in the behavioral science with CBT-I and nervous system management techniques. They'll guide you, offer personalized advice, and help you navigate your sleep improvement.

  • What is CBT-I? Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) is the leading non-pharmacologic treatment for insomnia and other sleep disorders. Rooted in evidence, CBT-I is recognized for:
    • Its strong research backing, showcasing efficacy across numerous studies.
    • Being a first-line non-pharmacologic intervention for sleep disturbances.
    • Offering long-term benefits, addressing the root causes rather than just symptoms.
    • Minimizing dependency on medications.

Exclusive Access to Our App: Track new habits, monitor your sleep, and centralize communication with your coach. Features include:

  • Connect your wearable for detailed sleep tracking
  • Set reminders for sleep routines
  • Personalized app habit tracking
  • Practice guided breathing exercises for relaxation

Library of Guided Breathwork Sessions: Explore an expansive library filled with a range of breathwork sessions from our lead certified breathwork coach. Whether you're looking to relax, energize, or focus, our guided practices cater to your every need, further enhancing your sleep quality.
Extensive Collection of Guided Meditations: Enhance your journey to restful sleep with access to a diverse array of guided meditations specifically designed to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and prepare your mind and body for deep, restorative sleep. UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center

Sleep Resources: Physician and Certified Sleep Coach developed resources including videos and guides addressing a range from Circadian Health, Bedtime Procrastination, Chronotype, Sleep Disorders

Mindset Resources: Psychological Flexibility, Stress-As-Enhancing Mindset, Growth Mindset, Resilience

Unlock Your Potential Sleep Wellness Program: A 6-week detailed program with daily lessons, assisting you in building and monitoring beneficial sleep habits.
Continuous Support: Have questions or need feedback? Chat with our support or receive feedback from our coaches within 24 hours.