Sleep & Recovery

At Stamina Lab, we believe that sleep is the foundation of health and optimal performance.


Work directly with one of our expert coaches to unlock your potential.


Our articles spring from the experimenter’s mindset we encourage for all flow seekers.


Upgrade performance, achieve mental clarity, and improve your wellbeing.


Next Reset Starts July 22nd

Picture this: It’s 3 AM. You’re wide awake, staring at the ceiling. Your mind is a whirlwind of thoughts about work, life, and that ever-growing to-do list.

You’ve tried counting sheep, drinking warm milk, even meditating, but nothing works. You feel alone in this nightly battle, longing for just a few hours of peaceful sleep.

You’re not just tired; you’re exhausted. Each morning is a struggle, pulling yourself out of bed, feeling like you’re running on empty. Coffee becomes your best friend, but deep down, you know it’s a band-aid solution.

This isn’t just about a bad night’s sleep; it’s about how it’s affecting your entire life. Your work suffers, your relationships strain, and your health is on a downward spiral. It’s a vicious cycle, and you feel trapped.

But what if I told you that in just 14 days, you could start to turn it all around?

Embark on the Restful Revolution 14-Day Reset –

A Journey to Reclaim Your Nights and Transform Your Life!

Imagine a world where every evening’s journey into sleep is a serene voyage across tranquil seas, not a frustrating vigil staring at the clock, wrestling with the tides of time.


The Restful Revolution 14-Day Reset was designed with you in mind to help you go from exhausted and burnt-out to excited and re-energized.


We understand your struggle, and we have crafted a solution that addresses the root of your sleep issues, not just the symptoms.


This 14-day journey is more than just a program; it’s a transformative experience. This is your path to rediscovering the joy of waking up refreshed, focused, and ready to embrace the day with open arms.


Here's How We Turn Your Sleepless Nights Into Restful Bliss:

  • Expert-Designed Sleep System: Led by Glen Lubbert, a renowned sleep and health expert, this program is based on proven techniques tailored to your unique needs. 

  • Personalized Habit Formation: We dive deep into your lifestyle, creating habits that fit seamlessly into your daily routine, ensuring long-lasting change. 

  • Engaging Group Coaching: Join Glen and fellow sailors on this voyage through the seas of tranquility. These sessions are more than just talks; they're your navigation stars guiding you to the harbor of peaceful sleep.

  • Community Support: You're not alone. Our exclusive forum is a comfortable place to share, learn, and grow with others who understand exactly what you're going through. 

  • Resource Library: Access a curated collection of tools and resources. From meditations to breathwork exercises, we've got you covered. 

  • Daily Engagement: Our mini-lessons are bite-sized yet powerful, designed to reinforce your journey to better sleep, step by step. 

  • Progress Tracking: Witness your transformation with our pre and post-challenge surveys. See the difference in numbers and in your everyday life. 

  • Tech Integration: Love gadgets? Sync your wearable device and get real-time feedback on your sleep improvement.

"Joining Stamina Lab's program was a turning point for my sleep quality and overall daily well-being. I've experienced remarkable improvements in my sleep habits, notably achieving a consistent earlier bedtime and waking up refreshed at the same time each morning. This newfound regularity in my sleep pattern has led to reduced need for daytime naps, a noticeable uplift in my mood, and a significant increase in my focus throughout the day. Stamina Lab didn't just help me sleep better; it enhanced my overall quality of life."

- Mark H., 1:1 Sleep Optimization Client

"Since joining this program, my sleep quality has drastically improved, transitioning from reliance on substances to a healthier routine guided by my coach. Her holistic, personalized approach tackling diet, exercise, and relaxation techniques has given me practical strategies for better sleep, leading to 80-90% improvement, and the confidence to handle occasional sleepless nights."

- Sagar M., 1:1 Sleep Optimization Client

"An outstanding blend of technology and human connection. The group discussions are a treasure trove of insights, and the app’s daily reminders keep me aligned with my health goals. With an abundance of resources to explore, it’s a holistic approach to wellness and performance that many will find invaluable. Highly recommended!"

- Felipe F., Group Coaching Client

Our “Better Sleep Or Your Money Back” Satisfaction Guarantee:

We’re so confident in our program that we offer a money-back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied in the first week, we’ve got you covered.

Simply Follow This Plan And
You Will Succeed

Your journey to blissful sleep and vibrant days is just a click away. Don't wait – your best self is waiting on the other side of a good night's sleep!
Our 14-Day Plan guides you every step of the way!

And it’s more than a plan. It’s also a challenge. It’s designed to help you reset your unhealthy sleeping habits and get your back to deep, energizing sleep.  

With our help, you will build better sleep habits to improve your energy and focus!

It’s Time To Take The
Restful Revolution Challenge!
For Less Than A Cup Of Coffee A Day You Can Develop Sleep Habits That Will Serve You For The Rest Of Your Life (And Kicking The Coffee Will Help Too!) 

Are You Ready?

Reset STArts July 22nd

Join the Restful Revolution 14-Day Reset!

Join Today for Just $27!

Is This Challenge Right For You?

If you're a professional tired of the sleepless nights and their toll on your life, and you're ready to commit to a change, this challenge is for you. It's not a quick fix; it's a journey to a new you.

Take the Leap into a Life of Restful Nights and Energetic Days!

Join the Restful Revolution 14-Day Reset now. Don't let another night pass in frustration. This is your moment to turn those restless nights into a source of strength and vitality.

RESET STARTS July 22nd...

  • Get expert advice on improving your sleep.
  • We’re going to do this together.
  • Follow the guidelines, track your progress, and see improvements each night.
  • Reset Your Sleep Habits In Just 14 days!


$47 $27

Join Today
  • Expert Guidance

  • Fun, Engaging Group Coaching

  • Daily Tips & Feedback

  • Progress Tracking

  • Extensive Resource Library

Meet Your Expert: Glen Lubbert

Glen Lubbert is the founder of Stamina Lab, which helps individuals improve energy, focus, and resilience through data-informed sleep and health coaching. Before that, Glen founded an award-winning, multi-million dollar tech incubator in the health and medical industry.

As a serial tech entrepreneur, Glen experienced first hand how much poor sleep can impact your health, decision-making, and relationships. To solve that problem, Glen leverages behavior design to help teams and individuals who want to take their professional and personal performance to the next level while improving their sleep, reducing stress, avoiding burnout, having more energy, and dropping into flow.

In service of helping people level up their performance, Glen has studied nervous system management and mindfulness including with University of Massachusetts’ Medical School professor Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D., is certified in Stanford Behavior Design Lab founder Dr. BJ Fogg’s Tiny Habits® behavior change methodology, is a certified Thrive Global coach, and is a certified sleep expert as well as a former NCAA Division I athlete.


Are You Ready

TO Get The Best Sleep Of Your Life?