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How A Behavior Design Model Leads to Lasting Change

Mar 7, 2023 | Behavior Change

When pursuing your goals, change is inevitable. And behavior change is not always easy.

You might think that all you need is motivation. But motivation is not enough. You also need to account for all the factors that influence change. That’s why we have found success with lasting change for our clients by using a behavior design model.

A behavior design model is a framework that helps you create behaviors that are easy to do and aligned with your goals. It takes into account four domains of your life: YOU, PEOPLE, ENVIRONMENT, and THINGS.

YOU is your intrapersonal life: your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, values, habits, etc.

PEOPLE are your interpersonal relationships: your family, friends, colleagues, mentors, etc.

ENVIRONMENT is your physical surroundings: your home, workplace, neighborhood, etc.

THINGS are your material possessions: your tools, devices, clothes, etc.

Each domain influences your behavior in different ways. For example:

  • YOU can boost or lower your motivation depending on how you talk to yourself or what you focus on.
  • PEOPLE can support or hinder your behavior depending on how they communicate with you or what they expect from you.
  • ENVIRONMENT can facilitate or obstruct your behavior depending on how it is organized or what it offers you.
  • THINGS can enable or disable your behavior depending on how they function or what they provide you.

By designing your goals that align with these four domains of your life, you can make positive change more likely and lasting.

If you want to learn more about how to use our Behavior Design Model visit our Be Your Own Best Coach site for more tools & resources.