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Building Resilience through Psychological Flexibility with Dr. Deborah Teplow

Oct 24, 2023 | Habits, Mindset, Podcast

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On this episode of the Stamina Lab podcast we are joined by Dr. Deborah Teplow, an expert in behavior design and language of hope to help people make positive, lasting behavior change in their lives, Dr. Teplow and Stamina Lab founder, Glen Lubbert, examine the topic of resilience from its foundations in psychological flexibility and growth mindset to small things you can do each day to increase your own resilience. One of the biggest takeaways of the episode is that resilience is not just about bouncing back, it’s about coming back stronger and with the desire to create a greater impact. This episode of the show is full of thought-provoking insights and practical strategies that will help you navigate your next hard season. 


  • What makes a person resilient and how resiliency can impact our lives 
  • Lauren Wasser and Viktor Frankel and their stories of resilience and creating impact 
  • Tapping into our values to find meaning versus finding the happiness in life
  • How psychological flexibility and growth mindset play a role in creating resilience 
  • Why resilience is more than just bouncing back and how it gives you the foundation to expand beyond 
  • The three different ways Dr. Teplow believes you can grow your resilience 
  • Focusing on small, daily challenges that will help you to be sharper in larger tests
  • How to let the people around you have a role in crafting your resilience 
  • What a window of tolerance is and the part it plays in your resiliency 
  • The number one piece of advice that Dr. Teplow would give to those who are just starting out on building their resilience 

Episode Resources:

About Dr. Teplow:

Deborah is an expert in the science of behavior change and language of hope to help people make positive, lasting behavior change in their lives. Her approach is person-centered, strength-based, and solution-focused.

She also is the co-founder and CEO of the Institute for Wellness Education, which created the national occupational standards and training curriculum for the US Department of Labor’s registered apprenticeship in wellness coaching.

Deborah is co-founder of Be Your Own Best Coach, a collaboration between Stamina Lab and the Institute for Wellness Education that helps professionals and entrepreneurs in tech and healthcare shift their mindset and change behavior so they can live healthier, happier lives taking action in the service of their core values.

Deborah has been training clinical professionals in medicine, behavioral healthcare, and social services in solution-focused practice to reduce maternal and infant mortality, improve addiction prevention and treatment services; reduce teen pregnancy, and increase overall wellbeing in underserved communities.

Previously, Deborah founded Health Focus, Inc, an educational partner with the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine and Public Health and Indiana University School of Medicine. Health Focus created continuing education for physicians that translated science into action to optimize patient outcomes in all major medical specialties.

She earned her doctorate from Stanford University, has extensive training in solution-focused practice and acceptance and commitment therapy, and is certified as a Tiny Habits® coach by Professor BJ Fogg of Stanford University.


Connect with Dr. Teplow