Sleep & Recovery

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Tiny Habits for Overcoming Overwhelm

Jun 23, 2023 | Behavior Change, Habits, Mindset

Feeling overwhelmed or are a people leader whose team is overwhelmed? This panel discussion with Stamina Lab founder Glen Lubbert can help.

During this discussion, Tiny Habit coaches Jess Cabrera, Cassie M. Briggs, and moderator Andrea Spyros shared actionable habits to overcome overwhelm, which can be applied to your own life or shared with your team.⁠

Anyone can experience overwhelm, and this conversation is for everyone, but if you struggle with sleep, you don’t want to miss this discussion where Glen gives some of his favorite nervous system management and sleep-based Tiny Habits to help with overcoming overwhelm.⁠

Not only is overwhelm a major energy drain, but it can disrupt your sleep-wake cycle and lead to a cycle of sleep deprivation, which can further exacerbate feelings of overwhelm and stress.

Watch the 45-minute panel discussion here.